Respect for traditional recipes has pushed Piuma d’Oro to devise new production techniques, and more. The skills acquired over the years and the in-depth knowledge of the production phases have allowed the company to design machines tailored to the needs of each product.
Not only the ideal temperature and humidity conditions for the product are studied and applied, but also the spaces to work without problems, minimizing unnecessary movements. Attention to the needs of employees that responds perfectly to the Piuma d’Oro philosophy. People are fundamental within the production process, because each step requires human control that cannot be replaced with technology.
“We also manufacture the machines to produce.”
The production peak of Piuma D’oro is concentrated in just three / four months a year. This is why it is literally reborn in every season. In the summer period, a period that coincides with the low production season, the machines are disassembled, revised, checked and modified according to the new production needs: it is an opportunity to try new solutions, evolve technologies, in continuous development, certified by the fact that some of the machines used by Piuma D’oro are more advanced than those built by specialists in the sector.
Fulvio Pizzoccheri – Production manager

A tailor-made service for the customer
If Piuma d’Oro is able to respond almost in real time to customer demand, even when demand is very high volumes, is because it has consolidated over the years a flexible and responsive structure that can guarantee punctuality and efficiency in delivery, beginning from the order. The quality of the product is reflected in the distribution service, with a fleet of vehicles that ensures the agile and dynamic management of even smaller orders. The versatility of the company is demonstrated once again by the ability to offer its customers customized products and packaging, with the possibility of total customization. For a service that is able to satisfy the most demanding ones.

Each customer has a single company contact for general information, logistics and price lists. This is also a strong point
Federico Pizzoccheri – CEO